KDLC January 2024 General Meeting

January 07, 2025 at
6:15 PM - 9:00 PM
United Steelworkers Local 1-417 181 Vernon Ave Kamloops, BC V2B 1L7

For those who wish to be nominated for a table officer position or the 3 year term of trustee you are invited to send your name, which position you would like to be nominated for and a short bio (optional)  to Kyra Sekhan  ksekhan@clcctc.ca or Lois kdlcpresident@gmail.com prior to the Executive meeting which will be held January 2nd.  Bios will be shared with the membership when we send out agenda/minutes and financials.  Positions are listed in the summary below.  We will also nominate and elect any vacancies that may arise as a result of the elections.

  • Pre-Meeting Social: Starts at 6:15 PM with light refreshments for those attending in person.
  • Hybrid Meeting: For delegates who cannot join in person.

AGM Agenda Highlights

  1. Elections:
    • Election of Table Officers (President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Membership Officer).
    • One three-year Trustee position.
    • Additional nominations and elections to fill any vacancies resulting from the officer elections.
    • Confirmation of committee participation – Women and Gender Rights, Political Action, Social Committee (Labour Day Picnic), Day of Mourning, By-law, Education

If you are interested in running for a position (Table officers or Trustee), please submit a short bio for delegates to review by January 2nd.  to Kyra Sekhan Ksekhan@clcctc.ca or Lois Rugg kdlcpresident@gmail.com.

    • 2025 Draft Budget Presentation
      The draft budget will be presented for review and discussion.  To be voted on at the February 2025 meeting.