2019 CLC’s Labour Day Theme is a Fair Canada for Everyone
Dear Affiliates, Friends and Family.
This Labour Day, in the lead-up to October’s federal election, Canada’s unions are campaigning for a Fair Canada for Everyone. In Kamloops and District, workers, unions and community leaders will gather at McDonald Park on September 2nd, 11 am to 2 pm to celebrate the contributions of working people and to highlight ballot box issues.
Come celebrate working people at the park!
We are pleased to announce that music will be provided by popular group “The Serious Dogs”. Sancho the clown will be making his first appearance at our picnic too. We are also pleased to welcome The Storm Junior Hockey Team to our event for the first time. Some of our popular activities are back again including Fun Factor activities, TRU Wolfpack soccer/baseball teams will be out and about in the park and the ever popular Facepainting by Denise (children line up around the block for her fabulous art work).
Hotdogs and Hamburgers will once again be available for a donation to charity and lots of treats are planned throughout the event by various unions
Most importantly, as we celebrate labour day we look forward to you, our affiliates and allies participating, demonstrating the work we do and sharing our labour values. We hope that you will encourage your members to attend, and invite your families and friends too.
Let’s make it a fun and informative day! Happy Labour Day!