Who We Are

The Kamloops & District Labour Council is represents of roughly 13,000 unionized workers in the Kamloops area covering Merritt to Valemount and Chase to Lillooet.

Our affiliates work collaboratively to advance the economic and social welfare of workers and with other progressive organizations in the promotion of social justice and human rights as described in the United Nations’ Charter of Human Rights.

We are members of the BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, the latter of which represents over three-million unionized Canadians.

What We Do

What We Do

The Kamloops & District Labour Council does many things within the community

More about What We Do

Executive board

Lois Rugg President
Amanda Jensen-LaBar 1st Vice-President
Darryl Schmidt 2nd Vice-President
Talitha Dekker Treasurer
Cindy Ozouf Recording Secretary
Darlene Foley Sergeant-at-arms
TBA Member at Large
Daniel Dombowsky Member at Large
Harmony Ráine Member at Large
Jason Arnold Member at Large
Jordan Mohle Member at Large
Kimberly Grigg Member at Large
Mehdi Salem Member at Large
Patricia Skalozub Member at Large


Brenda Dunn Trustee (1 Year)
Edna Park Trustee (2 Year)
José van Berkel Trustee

Communications Committee

Darryl Schmidt
Donna Faulkes
Lois Rugg
Patricia Skalozub

Day of Mourning

Darlene Foley
Darryl Schmidt
Donna Faulkes
Jim Waldie
Lois Rugg
Mehdi Salem
Patricia Skalozub

Education Committee

Amanda Jensen-LaBar
Darlene Foley
Donna Faulkes
Harmony Ráine
Lois Rugg

Labour Day / Social Committee

Amanda Jensen-LaBar
Darlene Foley
Darryl Schmidt
Lois Rugg
Mehdi Salem
Patricia Skalozub
Talitha Dekker

Political Action

Lois Rugg
Tom Friedman

Resolution Committee

Amanda Jensen-LaBar
Lois Rugg

Woman’s Committee / Equity Committee

Amanda Jensen-LaBar
Brenda Dunn
Darlene Foley
Donna Faulkes
Harmony Ráine
Lois Rugg
Patricia Skalozub
Talitha Dekker