Election Results from the 2021 AGM
January 12, 2021
An election for the table officer positions was held at the KDLC AGM for 2021.
Lois Rugg (CUPE 4879) remains our president with Amanda Jensen (KTTA), Edward Lalonde (BCGEU), Donna Faulkes (HEU), and Darlene Foley (CUPE 900) also being re-elected to their current positions.
Talitha Dekker (HEU) has been newly elected to the position of Treasurer and Patricia Skalazub (CUPE 3500) is now the a Trustee (3 year term).
There is currently a member at large position that opened up when Talitha moved into the Treasurer position. An election to fill the vacancy will be held at the February meeting.