One is Too Many: No One Should Die on the Job

April 18, 2019

Last year, 131 B.C. workers died from a workplace injury or disease. When you lose a loved one, the pain never goes away.  April 28 is designated the Day of Mourning. As workers, families, employers, and communities come together to remember those who have lost their lives to work-related incidents or occupational disease, your Kamloops and District Labour Council (KDLC) would like to invite you to come and participate in the annual ceremony as we continue our commitment to fighting for healthy and safe workplaces.

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)  brings focus and attention to the fact that in 2019 still too many workers are dying. This year workers will unite under the banner: One is Too Many: No one should die on the job. 

Stories of workers whose deaths and injuries that should have been prevented, and the families and activists fighting to make sure no one else suffers the same outcomes will be highlighted.

The KDLC Annual Day of Mourning Ceremony takes place on April 28, 2019, at St Andrews on the Square at 6 pm in Kamloops.

There will be a short procession to city hall following the ceremony and then refreshments at the venue following the laying of the wreath(s).

We would invite affiliates to lay wreaths in memory.  Donations to support the event would be appreciated but your presence would be especially appreciated.  Bring family, friends and co-workers too.

For more information please contact  Lois Rugg at or phone 250.819.9919.

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