This Labour Day, the nation’s unions advocate for a disaster-proof plan for Canada
Kamloops, BC – August 27, 2020 – In Kamloops and area, workers, unions and community leaders will gather online to celebrate the contributions of working people and to launch the campaign, Moving Forward.
What: Kamloops and District Labour Council (KDLC) Virtual Celebration
Where: https://kdlc.ca
When: September 7, 2020
Canada has weathered the pandemic better than the United States because we all worked together. That’s what we need to keep doing in the months ahead.
“Many people in our communities are deeply worried about the future,” said Lois Rugg, President of the Kamloops and District Labour Council. “The federal government can help alleviate the anxiety by committing to investing in good, stable jobs.”
Canada’s unions say that workers are key to the recovery. The health, safety and well-being of their families is paramount.
“There is a lot of worry about how workers can return to work with fewer child care spaces available and fears about the return to school,” said Rugg. “Now more than ever, we need a national strategy to deliver child care that is accessible to everyone. We need to ensure that for-profit long-term care becomes a relic of the past and that workers needing sick leave don’t worry about taking a day off when they need it.”
The Annual KDLC Labour Day picnic has been cancelled this year due to the Provincial restrictions for gatherings and for the safety of all but we hope that the public will view our messages on our website and participate in a scavenger hunt and/or trivia contest. There will be chances to enter for prizes to help support local businesses and economy in our community.
View more information on Labour Day in Kamloops and how to win exciting prices from local businesses, here: https://kdlc.ca/labour-day-2020/