KDLC Bursaries Awarded for 2020
Each year the Kamloops and District Labour Council offers five $1,000 bursaries to students who are members or relatives of members of unions that are affiliated to, and in good standing with, the KDLC.
One of the bursaries is the Jack Kerssen bursary in a trades field of study (now awarded this year) and another is the Cynthia Friedman bursary (to women in S.T.E.M or trades study)
Applicants were required to submit a 750-1000 word essay on “How being a family member of a union member affected your life. Would you pursue a union job/or not, why?”
This year our four recipients joined us via Zoom for a short recognition and photo ceremony.
Dana Bach – CUPE 4879
Calvin Heise – TRUFA
Cindy Ozouf – CUPE 4879
Kira Schmidt – IBEW 993 (Cindy Ross Friedman Memorial Bursary)